Glk Events by Dannii Willis

Version 2/200807 (for Glulx only)

"A low level event handling system"


* indicates included extension uses authorial modesty

  • glulx definitions version 1.160919 by dannii willis *
Copy Include Glk Events by Dannii Willis to clipboard Include Glk Events by Dannii Willis.
Version 2/200807 of Glk Events (for Glulx only) by Dannii Willis begins here.

"A low level event handling system"

Use authorial modesty.

Include version 1/160919 of Glulx Definitions by Dannii Willis.

Chapter - Basic event handling

Section - Event result variables

Include (-
Global GE_Event_Struct_type;
Global GE_Event_Struct_win;
Global GE_Event_Struct_val1;
Global GE_Event_Struct_val2;
-) before "Glulx.i6t".

The glk event type is a g-event variable.
The glk event type variable translates into I6 as "GE_Event_Struct_type".
The glk event window ref is a number variable.
The glk event window ref variable translates into I6 as "GE_Event_Struct_win".
The glk event value 1 is a number variable.
The glk event value 1 variable translates into I6 as "GE_Event_Struct_val1".
The glk event value 2 is a number variable.
The glk event value 2 variable translates into I6 as "GE_Event_Struct_val2".

Section - The glulx input handling rules

The glulx input handling rules are a g-event based rulebook.

Section - Intercepting glk_select()

[ Rather than implementing HandleGlkEvent() as GEP did, we will intercept glk_select(). This allows us to intercept events before the Inform 7 template starts processing them. ]
[Include (-
Replace glk_select;
-) before "Glulx.i6t".]

Include (-
! Replacement function from Glk Events by Dannii Willis
[ glk_select event_struct;
   ! Call the real glk_select
   @push event_struct;
   @glk 192 1 0;
   ! Copy values to our variables
   GE_Event_Struct_type = event_struct-->0;
   GE_Event_Struct_win = event_struct-->1;
   GE_Event_Struct_val1 = event_struct-->2;
   GE_Event_Struct_val2 = event_struct-->3;
   ! Run the glulx input handling rules (but disable rules debugging because it crashes if keyboard input events are pending)
   @push debug_rules; @push say__p; @push say__pc;
   debug_rules = false; ClearParagraphing(1);
   FollowRulebook( (+ the glulx input handling rules +), GE_Event_Struct_type, true );
   @pull say__pc; @pull say__p; @pull debug_rules;

   ! Copy back to the original event structure
   event_struct-->0 = GE_Event_Struct_type;
   event_struct-->1 = GE_Event_Struct_win;
   event_struct-->2 = GE_Event_Struct_val1;
   event_struct-->3 = GE_Event_Struct_val2;
   return 0;
-) replacing "glk_select". [after "Infglk" in "Glulx.i6t".]